Waste Bin

This is why SaferSurf may store eMails in the waste bin:

Blocked eMails - Bayes Filter:
eMails, which are sorted out by the self learning Bayes Filter because they are porbably spam
Blocked eMails - Phishing Filter:
eMails, which are filtered out because of suspected phishing since the links do not lead from the eMail to the web site specified but to web sites created by defrauders on which personal data, such as e.g. passwords and the like, are spied out
Blocked eMails - SpamPict-Filter:
eMails, which are filtered out since their content comprises only or almost only one image and since it, hence, is very likely to be spam.
Blocked eMails - Spam NoInfo-Filter:
eMails, which neither have a subject nor any content, i.e. eMails that are empty
Blocked eMails - duplicate eMail:
eMails, which are sent to you several times within a very short period of time
Infected eMails - Malware:
eMails, which contain malware
eMails temporarily blocked - Quarantine:
eMails, which contain an executable file in the attachment, are moved to quarantine for this reason. In order to make sure that the executable file is not a type of malware which is unknown so far, the eMail will be tested again by the SaferSurf virus filter after expiry of a period of quarantine of 12 hours. If the software is classified as harmless again, the eMail concerned is forwarded along with the rest upon the next delivery of the eMails.

Tool bar
Report spam
Waste bin
Anonymous eMail
Supported eMail clients and protocols
