eMail Settings

You can change the eMail settings of SaferSurf.

Start your eMail program in order to change SaferSurf eMail settings.

SaferSurf eMail - Settings

Within the SaferSurf Tool Bar click on the button Settings.

SaferSurf eMail - Settings

In section Your e-mail address you can change the eMail address SaferSurf sends messages to. These are e.g. the message regarding new eMails that have been sorted out and stored in the wast bin by SaferSurf, e.g spam or infected eMails. Additionally this eMail address is neccessary to identify you when using SaferSurf eMail functions like Report Spam of Send Anonymous eMails.

Additionally you can deactivate and activate the SaferSurf eMail functions.

Tool bar
Report spam
Waste bin
Anonymous eMail
Supported eMail clients and protocols
