Technical Inspection Agency
(TÜV) Saarland, 05/2009
Rootkits are programs that can be installed on computers after an intrusion. They hide themselves and the attacker's activities under a kind of cloak and are used to control your computer remotely.
Rootkits installed on a computer can hide successfully from search-and-repair-kits. Virus scanners have no chance of detecting the rootkit or the activities cloaked by the rootkit.
The SaferSurf Rootkit protection takes effect BEFORE you receive the dangerous data and eliminates malware before it reaches your computer. Thus, involuntary rootkit loading from the web is no longer possible.
More and more commonly, malware is installed directly on web pages, making it possible for software to install itself while you're surfing without you even noticing. SaferSurf protects you from these dangers. All malware is blocked directly on the web by the SaferSurf server.
Rootkit protection is part of the SaferSurf security concept, and all users have access without additional installation or modification of their settings.
SaferSurf supports all available web browsers. SaferSurf runs with all operating systems, as it does not require installation on your computer.